“Ex Girlfriend Acting Cold Towards Me” – 5 Strong Behaviors to Get Her Love Back

“Why is my ex girlfriend acting cold towards me?”

Your ex girlfriend is acting cold and distant towards you and it’s driving you crazy.

The truth is, there’s a reason she’s doing this.

But before I get to that reason, don’t send her anymore texts.

It is likely you are making it worse by repeatedly texting an ex girlfriend who has gone cold.

I know you feel that leaving her alone is like letting her fly away and you’ll lose her for sure. So you want to “cage” her and keep being in her radar so she doesn’t forget about you.

But here’s the thing about attraction you must know:

To allow her to fall back in love with you, you must first create space for that to happen.

Start by giving her that space RIGHT NOW.

If you keep contacting her, you will never be able to make her fall in love again, and you will REALLY LOSE HER for sure.

Got it?

Ok, moving forward.

The reason your girlfriend acts cold with you right now, is probably due to a number of “weak” mistakes you’ve been making over time. These weak behaviors have caused her to become distant… and so she wants no part of you right now.

In this article, I will give you a path to correcting these mistakes and winning her love back.

Now the funny part of attraction is that it isn’t “set in stone”. She loved you in the past, but then you did things that made her lose attraction.

While she now acts cold towards you… if you are able to do things that increase her attraction for you, she will suddenly be warm and eager to see you again.

Ok, let’s talk about things you REALLY need to stop doing.

Toxic Needy Mistakes That Turn Your Girlfriend ICE COLD (Which ones have you done?)

1. Overwhelming Her With Texts and Attention After the Break Up

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, you feel that if you leave her alone, you’ll lose her.

But the opposite is true. Your ex girlfriend needs space in order to re-develop her feelings for you… and crowding her space with small talk, trying to be her available friend, or imposing yourself into her life will not attain your desired goal of getting her back.

Instead, it will make her feel smothered as she becomes colder and more distant than ever before.

2. Attempting to Get the Relationship Back When You Start Interacting With Her Again

Let’s say you’re hanging out with your ex girlfriend again, or maybe she’s starting to text you more again.

The BIG mistake men make here is the following:

Instead of hanging out, having fun, and hooking up… (how Coach Corey Wayne brilliantly words it) …you’re trying to get the relationship back

You’re bringing up relationship labels, the “meaning of us”, and you’re trying to convince her to get back together with you.

This turns her off because she feels like she’s losing her freedom and feels pressured…

…causing her to not want to see you anymore.

(Related article: When she likes you but is scared of a relationship)

Have you made this mistake before?

That’s why whenever you’re “talking” with your ex girlfriend again, you must not attempt to get the relationship back, and instead focus on having fun, sexy hookups.

Be her lover, and let her be the one to bring up the idea of becoming “boyfriend and girlfriend” again.

3. Begging and Pleading When She Breaks Up With You

I’ve heard this sad story far too many times:

A guy desperately begs his ex girlfriend to stay with him, literally getting down on his knees and pleading with her, only to find that she’s colder and more distant than ever before.

Guys, listen up:

Getting down on your knees and begging for “just one more chance” is the most unattractive thing you can do right now.

It makes you look needy, weak and unable to stand on your own two feet.

Do you really think that’s the kind of man your girlfriend is suddenly going to decide she wants to be with?

No, and in fact you probably just confirmed her decision to dump you.

Same applies to pouring out your feelings for her through text with the idea that if you “make her realize” what you feel for her, she will *magically* like you again.

Doesn’t work that way.

She doesn’t want you to be more “romantic”…

She doesn’t want any dramatic gestures….

These things will not convince her to stay with you.

What the woman needs right now from you is strength.

And what this means for you is this:

Have the strength to go no contact, control your emotions, and be OK with being away from her.

The reason your girlfriend left you is that you weren’t strong with her.
This is likely the same reason she is acting cold towards you right now.

The image she has of you right now is that of weakness. You are weak in her eyes, and it’s why she acts cold.

So in this article, I will cover 5 strong mindsets and behaviors you must do in order to reshape her image of you away from weakness and into strength… so that she sees you as “strong” again.

Once she starts seeing you as strong, it will allow her to fall back in love with you.

5 Strong Behaviors You Must Do to
“Re-Attract” Her Back

If you’ve been weak up to this moment, you need to start acting strong RIGHT NOW with your first “action of strength”…

Strong Behavior #1: Go No Contact

Control yourself from sending her any more texts.

…And go get a life.

I know you probably feel like pouring out your feelings for her over text.

You might get the urge to send desperate texts that beg for her back, apologize about mistakes you might have made.

You might even think of sending her a letter because you need closure.

Don’t reach out anymore, EVER, until she reaches out again.

When she does, follow the steps here


Strong Behavior #2: Stand Up For Yourself

You reach out and act friendly. But she acts cold.

You accept it, and keep rewarding her by acting friendly.

However irrelevant this might seem, this is actually HUGE.

To you, it might not seem like you’re doing anything wrong… but to her, it’s obvious that you’re still not over her and by continuing to pursue, you demonstrate you are “weakened” by her.

You need her validation to feel good about yourself… and since she’s acting cold and not giving you any validation… it’s driving you crazy.

With this behavior, you demonstrate you value her more than yourself.

You show you are unable to move on… and you don’t have a life outside of talking to her.

To you, she’s still on a pedestal.

You don’t respect yourself, you respect her way more.

And because you don’t respect yourself, she doesn’t respect you, and when a woman doesn’t respect you, it’s IMPOSSIBLE for her to love you.

So the strong action here is to make a stand. Start valuing yourself, and take her off the pedestal.

If you’re strong, you are able to resist the space created with no contact,
without “needing” her responses.

It’s impossible for her to fall in love with you again if you don’t give her
that space to wonder about you.

If you’re constantly reaching out and crowding her space, you are literally STOPPING her attraction from coming back.

Take a look at these images below…

So when the woman pulls away, but you stand still and don’t chase… it causes space to be created.

But if you do chase, you crowd her space and don’t create the DISTANCE she needs.

If she has an ounce of attraction left in her, that distance and space is what will amplify that attraction and allow her to fall in love with you again.

Remember this concept for your future relationships.

Strong Behavior #3: Stop Depending on Her Validation For “Positive Emotions”

When you depend on her being nice to you to feel good about yourself… it means your emotions are ADDICTED to her validation.

But she doesn’t want a “little boy” who weakens whenever she takes away
her validation…

She wants a man. A strong rock of support who she can TRUST to be stable when things get bad.

See, it’s all about her trusting your masculine core to do its job. This is why a woman unconsciously tests you to see if you become weak when she pulls away her validation.

If she knows you freak out just because she took away your validation, she can’t trust you to be a man when things ACTUALLY go bad.

I mean really think about it. When a man becomes weak just because a cute GIRL isn’t being nice to him… then how is he going to keep himself together when things REALLY go bad?

Strong Behavior #4: Go Out and Get Into a Path of Action Taking Momentum

Go out, go out, go out.

Stop lying in your bed moping and being sad about a girl.

Put your body in motion, and it’ll change your emotions.

Look, I can write novels of attraction theory for you, and you can read these every day until your head becomes huge and you become the Einstein of Attraction.

But none of that is going to matter if you don’t take action… because nothing is REALLY going to change if you don’t GO OUT and start applying these things with real live girls.

Think about it: If you’re going to become a great basketball player, you will have to go outside to practice your shot thousands and thousands of times. Stephen Curry knows this best. Does Curry spend all his time reading about the mechanics of a three-point shot? No, he goes outside and practices it!

With girls, it’s no different, because it’s a SKILL.

See, people who have the most success are also the ones who have failed the most. That’s because they are the ones who have practiced the most… and when you take a lot of shots, you miss more shots.

Similarly, when you go out and talk to girls to obtain “reference experiences”. Each girl you approach is like one shot… and you get a feel for it as you go along. (Related: How to Pick Up Girls)

FOR EXAMPLE: Let’s say you have to be rejected 100 times before you learn what to do and say to get a large percentage of girls reacting positively to you.

What is the the fastest way to success in this case? To take massive action, and go through all those 100 rejections as fast as possible!

Of course, the thing with dating is that if you miss your shot your brain says “you suck, you are worthless, and you shouldn’t reproduce”. With basketball, you don’t really consider a missed shot a rejection of your self-worth!

However, if you are willing to let go of your ego and dismiss “rejection” as something real… and instead, you view it as fun… then you’ll have a lot more social interactions and you’ll gain success quicker.

Strong Behavior #5: Learn the Skills of “Attracting Women”

That’s why you need to learn the mind-game of “creating attraction” by watching this video right here

Listen, if you want that one special girl to stop thinking of you as JUST A FRIEND… and you want to instead make her think of you as a LOVER (and you probably do or you wouldn’t be reading this)… then you need to learn this “Mind Scrambler” technique that gets her obsessed with you.

Remember, not only does it help you get that “hard to get” girl, but you will finally be able to handle the women and dating part of your life.

Make it happen!

Your friend,

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