How to Be More Confident With Women – One Simple Confidence Building Exercise

We hear it all the time… “women love confidence!”

But what exactly does confidence mean?

And how exactly do you go about “learning” how to be more confident with women?

Here’s something I want you to remember about the concept of “having confidence.”

And that is… the confidence you have INSIDE of you, is not “set in stone” …it can be created, and sometimes destroyed.

This is good news for YOU, because it means you already have the ability to create confidence in yourself, and it’s actually very very simple… as you’ll soon find out.

If you don’t feel confident, it will be much harder to make the right move on a girl when the time comes. You will cat in front of mirror doing confidence building exercises feel confused and frozen… like a deer in the headlights.

On the days you feel confident, you smoothly talk to girls without hesitation and without fear of the result. This is when you feel like you’re “on a roll.”

When you do this, you shoot out a vibe that triggers more attraction in women… and they aren’t able to control this attraction.

Inner Game vs. Outer Game

You’ve probably heard the term “have good game” right? Well, most of that usually means “outer” game.

We each have something inside of us called the “inner” game.

We have an outer game when we flirt and use lines on a girl… or when we purposely say something to get a positive reaction from her.

But we also have an inner game. It is the inner game that sets the foundation to making you feel calm and confident… or awkward and nervous.

Over the past few years, I’ve learned something very interesting about the concept of the inner game of “having confidence”

And that is… you can shape your inner game by focusing on your outer game. Or… you can shape your confidence with the stuff that you do OUTSIDE.

How can you do this?

Well, if you actively do confidence-building action, you will feel less fear… and as a result you will build a strong inner game.

So in this article, I will show you some confidence building exercises that you can do today, to build confidence in yourself.

This is a POWERFUL thing you can do to “pump up” before a party, or warm up before a date.

What is Confidence, Exactly?

Before I show you how to build confidence, let’s think about what it is.

Confidence is a “boost” to your state of mind that makes you feel more powerful… and you feel like you can do more action that felt “riskier” before…

ESPECIALLY things that you FEAR.

So if you WANT to do something, but you have anxiety when you think about doing it, then it’s much harder to do it.

But if you have confidence, it reduces that fear, and you have a HIGHER ability of being able to do that thing…

…because you can do more ACTION that will normally scare you.

2 Ways to Build Confidence

1. Being competent is the first way to “being confident” at something.

If you’re good at something, you will have confident feelings surrounding that ability.

For example, I have confident feelings when it comes to basketball and ping pong, but I don’t feel confident when it comes to skateboarding or rock climbing.

Think of the things you are good at, and notice how you feel when you do them.

Also notice that you are more sociable when you are doing these things (because you can TRANSFER that confidence to other things)

Now think of a time you felt anxious about trying something new… and then once you tried it, you realized it wasn’t that bad and were able to do it easily.

You started to feel competent at it, hence, it gave you a SPARK of confidence.

What I want you to notice, is that “trying something new” means you feel anxiety, but you STILL DO IT ANYWAYS!

Which brings us to the second method to create confidence…

2. Doing courage is the second way to create confidence, and it’s the single most important thing I want you to learn today.

Why? …because it is easy to have competent confidence when you already are good at something.

…but doing courage is hard, and hesitating to do it is what stops you from achieving the things you want most in your life.

Therefore, practicing to “do courage” is one of the most POWERFUL things you can do for yourself.

Do Courage = Create Confidence

So now you might be asking, “what is courage, exactly?”

Normally, people say “have courage,” but in reality it’s “do courage.”

…and that’s because it is something that we DO.

“Courage is NOT the absence of fear; it is doing the right thing REGARDLESS of that fear.” – quote from Saving Private Ryan

Courage is going up to talk to a girl even if we fear it.

Or asking a girl out even if we fear it.

Or going for the kiss even if we fear it.

HERE is the great part about courage:

Once you do courage, you ALWAYS get confidence “points” in return, regardless of the outcome.

That means you can ask a girl out, or go for a kiss, and if you FAIL, you STILL gain a boost of confidence.

For example:

Have you ever…

…tried talking to a girl and failed yet you found it EASIER to talk to other girls AFTERWARDS?

…spent hours “building up” your confidence to talk to a girl only to have the conversation last a few seconds, but then you found it MUCH easier to talk to other girls?

You felt the confidence because you still DID the courage, in spite of the fear (and in spite of the results).

To summarize this section… when you find ways to do courage, you find ways to do confidence building exercises,
because doing courage IS what builds confidence.

One “Warm-Up Drill” to Boost Your Confidence

Playing the “radically honest approach” game is one of my favorite ways to “warm up” for the night.

Step 1: You walk around a store like Walmart (or the local mall), and look for cute girls

Step 2: go up to a cute girl and compliment something about her that you like..

(it can be as simple as, “that’s a cute dress,” or “wow you’re pretty cute”)

Step 3: …and then simply keep walking along.

That act of courage will instantly give you a confidence boost (especially if you experienced anxiety before the approach)

Her reaction doesn’t matter – Remember, the confidence you get when you do courage is independent of the result.

With this newly created confidence, you’ll find it is 10 times easier to approach the next girl to continue this drill.

ACTION-STEP: Find More “Confidence Building” Opportunities

Ok, now that you’ve learned how to be more confident with women, I recommend that you go out and practice “doing courage.”

If there is anything that you have anxiety about – a date, a job interview, or going up to talk to a girl… force yourself to DO IT anyways… and notice how you feel afterwards.

You can use these situations to create a SNOWBALL of confidence in your life as you become a mature masculine man.

Feel the fear… and do it anyway!

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