Is She Attracted to Me… Or is it Just the Drugs Talking?

 Is she attracted to me? Do this to find out

Q+A Session:”Is She Attracted to Me?”

In today’s Q+A you will learn probably the biggest mistake guys make with women who already like them, and they’re wondering whether or not to make a move.

These are questions you might have too, so you’ll want to check them out.


There’s this girl. I know she likes me. I always catch her staring at me.

She caught me looking in the mirror and said I looked gorgeous. One night she kept taking pics with me.

She always says we should hang out, watch a movie together. But a lot of the time also acts disinterested or condescending. Like I will say something and her face and tone is almost like whatever and isn’t even looking at me.

Yet other times she seems like she really wants to talk to me. Like will start talking to me and seems really excited and focused on me and tries to keep the conversation going.

Does she like me?


>>>My Comments

Ryan, want to know the biggest mistake guys make with a girl WHO ALREADY LIKES THEM?

It’s this:

Never making a move on her because they’re waiting for more PROOF she likes them.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve failed in the past because of this… and you probably have too.

So stop trying to decode her signals and just focus on what you want.

Instead of sitting around wondering “is she attracted to me?” take action and arrange a fun-filled romantic opportunity for kissing to happen. (otherwise known as a “date”)

But that’s IF you want to kiss her, get physical with her, and have hot steamy “fun” with her.

If you only want to be her friend, keep acting like her platonic friend, and don’t even make an attempt to take things to the next level.

That should make it easier for her to friend zone you. But try it at your own risk!

Onto the next question…


Is She Attracted to Me?

A girl I liked had a surgery late last week. I was over at her room cooking her a lunch and just doing some general cleaning because she was taking pain meds and she was really out of it.

Then after i was done she was looking really tired so I was going to put her to bed and tuck her in (like a parent does to a kid). While at her bed she gives me a hug and then she says that she really likes me, and then goes to bed. What should i do? Was it just the drugs talking??

– Oliver

>>>My Comments

Hey Oliver, whether she likes you most likely depends on her attraction level for you and what you’ve done in the past.

Now I can tell you this: Whatever you’re doing for her while she is recovering isn’t what creates the type of attraction that you want.

Sure it does attract her as a friend… and that’s ok. Just make sure you’re not doing these special favors for her with the agenda of becoming more than friends with her.

You see, a lot of guys make the mistake of giving a girl special favors with the means of getting her attracted and turning her into a girlfriend.

As a result, they end up putting the woman on a pedestal, and giving their power away until the woman rejects him by giving him the “let’s just be friends” talk…

To actually attract a woman, it comes down to the fundamental question…

Are You Triggering ATTRACTION In Her?

If you’re wondering, “is she attracted to me?”… you must know this…

Attraction isn’t something you CONVINCE a girl to have for you LOGICALLY, it’s something that you TRIGGER in her with behaviors that you do.

If you do any of the following behaviors:

  • Pursue
  • Cling
  • Share “feelings”
  • Act submissive
  • Seek approval
  • Pine away

…you will NOT create attraction in the woman.

Because these are behaviors that are distinctly FEMININE in nature.

Instead, you need to focus on MASCULINE behaviors that create a powerful man-to-woman polarity that makes her feel the “spark” of having CHEMISTRY with you.

How to Get Her Attracted to You

Now it’s time to trigger attraction in your girl.

First, do this simple chemistry test on her to quickly determine if she likes you or if you’re in the friend zone.

Then pay close attention because you will learn a technique to “Scramble” her mind and magnify her attraction for you.

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