A girl you care about is fading away and this is making you very concerned.
She seemed so into you, but now she suddenly lost interest.
How could this happen?
You don’t want to lose what you have.
You had something great going, but now you feel that it’s almost gone.
And it’s so tragic that you’re missing out on this great opportunity to create something special with her.
It feels like you’re doing something wrong… like you’re missing something… but you just don’t know exactly what to do or say to fix it.
Dumb silly things like this cause memorable relationships to NEVER happen. The chance is gone… and potential love is lost forever.
But the key to avoiding pain and heartbreak is actually quite simple.
First you must understand the basic principles of female psychology.
In particular… what makes a girl fade away?
See, you must understand why a girl fades away if you want to learn how to trigger attraction in her and get her back.
There are 3 main reasons she suddenly lost interest in you.
I want to go over each case in detail and show you how to come back from it.
I’ll give you a recipe to get a girl’s attraction back when she fades away… …so that she is happy to text you, and eager to see you just like she did before.
The first reason a woman suddenly loses interest is when things move too fast.
Table of Contents
- Reason #1: Things Moved Too Fast
- Question: She Suddenly Lost Interest!
- My Reply: She Wants to be Free Without Being Caged in a Committed Relationship
- Reason #2: Revealing Your Feelings Too Soon
- Reason #3: She Feels Smothered and Wants Freedom
- Discover Your Purpose and Become Centered on it
- What to Do Next:
- Articles Linked to in the Content Above
Reason #1: Things Moved Too Fast
Part of this is actually good news.
You met the girl, and things got hot quickly. Great!
Maybe you had sex on the first date, (not bad at all)… but then you escalated your conversations from fun and sexy, to serious relationship talk.
And there lies the problem.
Things went so well that it gave you confidence.
So much confidence… that you let your guard down.
You thought your future with her was guaranteed… she was going to be your girlfriend… your epic love story was already written.
But you counted your chickens before they hatched.
You thought she was so into you that it was impossible to mess up.
So you pushed the relationship topic forward, and it put pressure on her
that made her back away.
Now she needs space to breathe.
She doesn’t want to be locked down in a relationship so fast dude… you gotta follow the process.
For women, attraction builds slowly over time. You can’t force this process. That means don’t push the “relationship label” too soon… and don’t get into serious relationship talk after just one date.
In fact, let the woman bring up the topics of love, bonding, and getting into a committed relationship. Let the “feminine” nature take care of that.
You as a man, should just focus on creating fun dates that lead to sex.
Your mentality should be that you are her LOVER, not her BOYFRIEND.
Again: Never get serious before the girl does.
Ok, now you might be reading this thinking “damn, I messed up!”
How do you come back from this?
The way to fix it is to make a “shift” of mentality and behavior.
Maybe you:
- acted too “in love” with her…
- texted her every day…
- acted too romantic…
- brought up “relationship label” topics…
- acted worried when she stopped texting you…
All of these things make her think “Damn he likes me too much”, and they make her feelings disappear.
Think of it this way: It’s better if she thinks you just want “fun” and just want to bang her… than if she thinks you like her too much and want to be her boyfriend.
Even if your end goal is to actually be her boyfriend… you must first start with the lover attitude and mentality.
To shift to a lover mentality, first create space.
Especially if you’ve been texting her too much.
Let her come to you.
Don’t contact her anymore until she reaches out.
Then when she does reach out, get into the types of conversations that put you in the “lover” category.
Don’t get into serious relationship topics, and definitely don’t create drama about her feelings for you.
Getting into lover-type conversations are what get her feelings back…
while “serious relationship” conversations create drama, put pressure on her, and make her want to avoid you.
Hope this all makes sense.
But to better help you out, here’s a case study of a student in this same exact situation.
Question: She Suddenly Lost Interest!
Hey Frankie, just read your report called the “7 Dangerous Mistakes That Stop You From Getting Your Ex Girlfriend Back”.
I thought maybe I could send you my personal story so I could get some advice on it.
I matched with this girl on tinder, told her “you’re super cute” and she immediately sent an “uno reverse card”.
I was like wow that’s the best response ever and she must have a sense of humor.
After talking on and off for over a week, she convinces me to sneak out to see her, so I do.
When I get there I hug her and then we both climb through the window and into her room.
I immediately take my shoes off and lay down on her bed because I figure if I’m gonna own this I might as well own it instantly.
We cuddle and I finally kiss her real smoothly (and she even says so).
I’m thinking “alright this is going great!”
We meet two more times and the third time one thing leads to another and we go all the way. It lasted for quite awhile, and it was awesome.
Afterwards, we both felt great so I left since it was late and kissed her many more times. I haven’t seen her or talked to her on the phone since and a day after she sends me a text we took that way too fast I agree and then it all starts.
Long story short she says she doesn’t want to have to worry about making someone happy and she needs to figure her shit out. So she asks for distance and says she won’t ghost or ignore me (but to me she’s definitely ignoring).
Before we had sex I even asked her if she would go out with me and she said yes of course. She even asked where I lived so she could stop by and kiss me one night. I accidentally fell into the trap and sent her a long paragraph and all thinking it would make things better but things have stayed the same or maybe even worse.
I don’t know what to do and I’m so torn.
I was wondering if maybe you think I can win this out or even decode what happened.
My Reply: She Wants to be Free Without Being Caged in a Committed Relationship
Hey George, sounds like at this point in life, this girl wants to have fun without being caged into a committed relationship.
When she says “she doesn’t want to have to worry about making someone happy”…this means she doesn’t want to feel the pressure of having to always reply to her boyfriend, and she doesn’t want to be trapped by the commitment of always being available.
If you were pushing in the direction of that kind of relationship, it diminished her freedom, which is why she asked for distance.
Even if you consciously didn’t push for more commitment, somehow she got that signal from you.
For example, she probably felt you like her too much.
Maybe you texted her every day, or the types of texts you sent were always a romantic things a boyfriend would say.
This overwhelmed her. She didn’t want to have to reply always… and it made her seek space.
If you kept pursuing even after she started going distant, it probably repulsed her even more.
Instead, sit back and let her come to you.
Let her initiate texting… so that she shows you she is eager to talk.
Focus on being the lover, not on getting into a relationship.
- Send her long paragraphs
- Become too available
- Always send her good morning/good night texts
Acting “more romantic” isn’t the fix here.
Instead, the prescription is to create space and let her come to you.
So go no contact until she reaches out.
Then when you interact, only focus on having fun and hooking up.
Asking her if she would go out with you isn’t required especially when you’re already having sex. It’s counterintuitive but this would actually push her away.
Bottom Line: If you can make her feel like she can have fun with you without having strings attached, then you’re good.
His Reply
Thanks a lot Frankie for the advice, I greatly appreciate it.
So if you think she doesn’t wanna be tied down at the moment then what should do I do?
Because I know if I asked her right now to go do something or to even just look at the sky at night she’d say no.
She’s going on about distance and the past couple days we’ve only talked over text maybe three times a day. I’m just not sure how to go about it if that’s how she truly feels.
Do you have any advice about what I should ask to show her I’m not trying to take her freedom away and tie her down?
Or should I just play the waiting game like I am now and keep going on with not knowing?
My Reply: No Contact Until She Reaches Out
Hey George, re-read the last email. No contact until she reaches out. Texting three times a day is still way too much.
Be prepared for at least two weeks of no contact (unless she reaches out).
She needs to feel a difference where there’s less pressure on her, so that she feels “free” when interacting with you. You take away that pressure with the action of creating space. That’s how you show her.
What “she truly feels” at the moment is irrelevant, it isn’t fixed in time.
Only focus on how to allow her attraction to increase.
If you don’t create space, that will never happen.
Another reason a girl loses interest is when you do what’s called…
“The Bold Declaration of Feelings”
Reason #2: Revealing Your Feelings Too Soon
Men want certainty that something is going well.
When we like a girl, we want confirmation that she likes us too, so we create this moment where we reveal our feelings to the girl, hoping to hear “I like you too” in return.
Then when she does, you are happy and can feel CERTAIN about your romantic future with this girl.
However, making this confession throws a monkey wrench into the smooth flow of how a woman wants to be wooed… and it messes with the gradual process of a woman becoming attracted to you.
If the girl feels that you really care about making this confession to her… she will realize you are too serious about becoming her boyfriend… and her attraction will fade.
She’ll feel that you like her too much.
What’s weird is that she probably won’t know why she feels that way, because, when using her “logical brain”, she knows she should like you. If she created a spreadsheet detailing your pros and cons, you would logically come out on top as a “great guy” that she should date.
But *emotionally*… she’ll notice that her feelings for you are not as strong as before… the spark is gone.
Why is this the case?
First, because you have put pressure into the situation by making it serious.
By making a concerted effort to reveal your feelings in a serious way, it interferes with her attraction for you.
It makes her attraction dwindle, because you’re too much of a “sure thing”. She doesn’t have to work for it anymore… the chase is over.
Reason #3: She Feels Smothered and Wants Freedom
The third reason a girl loses interest is that she feels smothered by you.
Smothering behaviors include…
- sending multiple texts when she doesn’t reply
- wanting to do everything for her (trying to be her superman and solve all her problems)
- acting like a possessive boyfriend
- always asking where she’s been or where she’s going
In general, these behaviors crowd her space and make her feel less free.
- “I need space”
- “I feel smothered”
- “It’s not you, it’s me”
- “you like me too much”
…then beware, because you might be acting in a way that makes her feel smothered with attention.
Whether you’re inundating her with texts, or trying to do everything for her… remember Coach Corey Wayne’s advice:
“You must love her in a way that makes her feel free”
Discover Your Purpose and Become Centered on it
One pillar of being a man is having a purpose, and remaining centered on it.
Whenever you feel in “crisis” with girl problems, chances are your head isn’t in the right space.
You’re thinking too much about that one girl in your life. You’re thinking about what she’s thinking to “decode” her actions. You’re overthinking everything she says to find “proof” that she likes you or doesn’t like you.
Let’s face it, when you’re in a cloud of emotions like this, you don’t feel confident.
But what if this bad feeling is just a kick in the butt from the universe to reset your priorities?
It’s time to focus your mind back to yourself, and get grounded to your masculine core.
When you aren’t grounded, you get “little boy” feelings that make you worried about a girl.
As a consequence, you are unable to interact in a way that attracts the girl because you’re too worried about her opinion of you.
You are too dependent on what she’s doing.
See if you’re weak and ungrounded, you are just a sailboat at the mercy of a hurricane.
But purpose is like an anchor that stabilizes you.
You become a mountain that doesn’t budge when the storm hits.
To better explain this, let’s talk about feminine nature.
Here’s a graph of what a woman does:

Notice how she’s zig zagging all over the place?
If you’re ungrounded, you become dependent on her, like this:

You chase, and you zig zag along with her. She takes you on a wild rollercoaster ride and you feel uncertain about your future. It’s not a good place to be.
Instead, you want to become centered on your path:

Your line should be straight and fixed on your goals and aspirations.
The female line will keep zig zagging, but you won’t react to it.
Instead, she will react to you and go around you.
I mentioned how you’re a mountain that doesn’t budge.
Well she is the clouds that float around the mountain.
Of course, the mountain isn’t knocked off balance by mere clouds.
And even if the clouds turned dramatic and formed a storm, the mountain would still stay put.
What does this mean for you in your situation?
If the girl stopped showing interest, let her come to you.
Focus on your own life, and invite her to join you along, if she shows interest.
But if she retracts, don’t go out of your way to chase her.
Besides, you’ve got options.
You’re an abundant man who sees the world filled with multiple females to choose from.
Even if you aren’t talking to other women right now, shift your mentality to know that there are other female options.
What to Do Next:
1. Learn how to use the “Ex Factor” to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back
2. Get My 7 Dangerous Mistakes Report Here
It’s free and you also get to subscribe to my “get your ex back” email advice newsletter.
Articles Linked to in the Content Above
7 Dangerous Mistakes That Stop You From Getting Your Ex Girlfriend Back
7 Confident Texts to Tell Her You Like Her
When a Girl Feels Smothered By You
When a Girl Says “It’s Not You, It’s Me”
How to Create an Abundance Mentality