==> Discover the Friend Zone “Test”
Here’s another edition of Q+A heading your way.
Does this girl like me?
So I work at a Target with this one girl. I wouldn’t really look at her or talk to her when she was first hired, but then something happened and we started talking.
The thing is that I’m never nice to her. Most of our conversations are just sass, telling each other to work harder or that we’re happy to go home because we don’t have to see each other anymore, things like that.
But then me and this one guy noticed that she’s always looking my way. He also said that it comes off as flirting when I’m mean to her, but I just like giving her sh*t.
I don’t have feelings for her. I think she likes me because when she’s on break she seems to gravitate to me even though I never say anything nice to her. Are these signs that she likes me? Should I stop talking with her until she doesn’t?
– Jake
>>>My Comments
Jake, dude, she likes you! I’m pretty sure that what you’re doing comes off as pretty darn good flirting.
Most importantly, it CREATES ATTRACTION. (BTW if any other guys are reading, THIS is the secret to making a girl feel attracted to you, so read on…)
Over the past several years, I’ve learned that the communication we use with a woman has multiple layers. There are both “surface level meanings” and “DEEP level meanings” to what you say.
While you think you are “being mean” (on the surface)… on a deep level, she actually enjoys the way you communicate with her. It’s like when two dogs play-fight. On the surface it seems mean, but below the surface… they are enjoying it.
So if you’re wondering “does this girl like me?” you must look at how she is reacting to your “below surface” communication.
Failing to see this “communication” below the surface, is why most guys fail to understand how flirting attraction really work.
You see, to an outside “nice guy” observer who doesn’t “get it” it appears as if this guy is being an asshole and he will HATE HIM for it.
Why? Because he can’t stand the fact that this “jerk” will actually get the girl, while the sweet nice guy who buys her gifts, flowers, and treats her well will only ever be JUST A FRIEND because his behavior doesn’t create “sparks”.
But guess what? It turns out that the typical “nice guy” behavior is actually fake nice manipulative tactics that blow up in his face!
You see, the nice guy uses gifts and “being sweet” as a “tactic” to make the girl like him. Not because it actually comes from his heart (it actually comes from a different place…), but because he wants to GET something from her.
This isn’t being REAL and authentic… and that’s why women don’t feel attraction for that sort of stuff.
On the other hand, “bad boy players” attract girls because they don’t care if what they say offend girls.
They are INDIFFERENT to the outcome.
They simply act who they are and come across more authentic than the fake nice guy.
Now if you’re wondering how to make that girl lose attraction for you, here are the…
7 Steps To Absolutely Destroy a Girl’s Attraction For You
WARNING: Try these steps at your own risk of losing a girl forever…
Step 1: Realize that you REALLY like her and that she’s probably “the one”
Step 2: Whenever she mentions other guy friends, worry that you will “lose her” to another man and show her that you get really jealous
Step 3: Start acting more and more needy. Worry about losing her whenever she doesn’t text you back or acts cold and distant.
Step 4: Start sharing “your feelings” about her more often
Step 5: Exhibit an avalanche of neediness once she starts getting even MORE extremely cold and distant
Step 6: Girl loses that feeling of attraction that she once had for you, and has no way of explaining or understanding why.
Step 7: Girl leaves you and you’re left wondering what happened.
Ok, ok, now you might be wondering, why am I listing those steps? Who on Earth on their right mind would want to un-attract a girl?
Almost certainly not you. So consider these steps a guide of what NOT to do with a woman.
Wondering “does this girl like me”? Then here’s a simple “chemistry test” you can use to determine her attraction level for you…

Click HERE to learn the “Friend Zone” test
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