Your ex girlfriend broke up with you, and you are devastated.
It feels like part of you is gone… like getting your leg chopped off… and you really miss her.
You feel so depressed… you would do ANYTHING to get her back.
What’s worse is that your ex girlfriend doesn’t text back.
She is completely IGNORING your text messages… and it’s driving you NUTS.
What can you do in this situation?
There is one and only one thing that will get her back.
Keep reading, and this article I’ll give you the strategy that gives you the best chance to get your ex girlfriend back.
However, before you do that, you must beware…
Table of Contents
When Your Ex Girlfriend Doesn’t Text Back, Do THIS First
If you’ve been sending your ex texts that don’t get responses… stop texting her IMMEDIATELY.
See, right now you are hurt, angry, and desperate.
You are going through this cloud of emotions… and it’s causing you to send out desperate and unattractive texts.
And it doesn’t make you look good.
This includes
- Sending long paragraphs of texts
- Badgering her with multiple texts if she doesn’t reply
- Trying to convince her to give you one more chance because you will change
- Asking “is there someone else?”
If you’ve been begging and pleading… stop it right now and listen up.
Crying and pleading for “one more chance” is the most unattractive behavior you can do right now.
To your ex, it makes you look pathetic, weak, and unable to stand on your own two feet.
To make your ex girlfriend love you again, she first needs space to “reset” her feelings.
If you keep crowding her space, you will LOSE your chance of getting her back.
Because smothering her with texts disgust her, and guarantee she’ll never love you again.
Sound good? I hope you’re with me on this.
Ok now… to make her love you again, you need to cause 1 SHIFT in the way she thinks.
In particular…
Change Her Image of You From “Weak Boy” to “Strong Man”
The reason girlfriends break up with their boyfriends all come to one thing:
Everything comes down to the fact that she lost attraction.
Somewhere along the way, SOMETHING made your girlfriend lose feelings for you… and her perception of you shifted.
She now sees you as a “weak boy” and not a “strong man”.
How did this happen?
In particular, there are a specific set of behaviors men do to erode a woman’s perception of them as a “strong man”.
This article covers these 8 relationship-killing mistakes
Now when I say “strong man”, I’m talking about being emotionally strong. The strength of your character… not whether you can lift 300 pounds.
Men who become “weakened” during a relationship get needy and over time women become repulsed by that “little boy” needy behavior.
One of the biggest mistakes is when you chase too much when a girl goes cold on you.
When your ex girlfriend doesn’t text back, it’s CRITICAL that you don’t sabotage your chances by going crazy and sending her a bunch of texts asking her “what’s wrong?”
As I covered earlier in the article… men react to a girl going distant by chasing and attempting to do things to “get her back”… and then the woman reacts by acting even more distant… because it crowds her space.
That’s why when a woman goes cold, you must do nothing and let her come to you.

Strong Man Behavior #1: Don’t Pummel Her With Texts and Let Her Come to You
Here I share the tragic story of how I lost a girl because I failed to let her come to me.
Right now your ex girlfriend doesn’t text back, and you might feel like you just HAVE to DO SOMETHING to get her back… but that feeling BETRAYS you and if you keep texting her when she wants nothing to do with you… you’ll guarantee you never get her back.
This article explains the dynamics of how when you give a woman space, she comes back.
Strong Man Behavior #2: Be an Emotional Anchor For the Woman
The female wants a rock of support. She wants a man who is a centered, solid mountain. If you become weakened when a girl stops giving you attention, how the hell are you going to be strong for her when there’s truly a crisis?
That’s Why to Get Her Back…
Stay in no contact, and don’t reach out ever again.
Here’s the plan:
When a woman breaks up with you, say “ok reach out if you change your mind”… and then walk away and don’t ever look back.
If she wants to remain friends, say “I’m not interested in anything just platonic right now, but reach out if you change your mind”.
Look, your ex girlfriend lost attraction for you because you acted weak.
If there’s ever a chance you’ll get her back, you have to start acting strong, IMMEDIATELY.
And right now, acting strong means you go 100% go no contact and never ever reach out unless she does.
Walk away and never look back.
Absolutely don’t contact her ever again… yes, even on birthdays, holidays, Boxing day, etc.
Then if she ever reaches out follow the steps described on this article.
Now in the mean time, allow yourself to focus on other things other than your ex girlfriend.
Focus on work, your passion, your purpose, socialize with friends… and most importantly, MEET OTHER WOMEN.
That way you eliminate the “oneitis” you have of obsessing over your ex girlfriend…
…And you regain the ability to generate positive emotions without having “that one girl”.
As you rebuild yourself, it’s also important that you LEARN and become aware of the mistakes you made in the past so that you don’t make them again.
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Articles Linked to in the Content Above
8 Sneaky Relationship Mistakes That Make Your Girlfriend Leave You
Why is She So Cold and Distant? When Your Girlfriend Pulls Away… Avoid This Mistake!
When Your Ex Girlfriend Reaches Out After a Long Time of No Contact
How to Stop Obsessing Over An Ex Girlfriend And Cure Oneitis With Your Ex