How to Send Mixed Signals to a Girl and Create Attraction Naturally

If you’re reading this, then you’ve probably heard of sending mixed signals to attract women.

In this article, I’ll reveal exactly what that means.

Right now there’s probably a girl in your life you want to attract, but aren’t having success doing it.

She doesn’t give you attention, only thinks of you as a “friend”… and you want to know how to turn things around and make her like you.

Or maybe you’re seeing a girl who already likes you, but just not enough. Sometimes she acts warm and shows interest… other times she fades away.

This hot and cold behavior sends you on a wild rollercoaster ride of emotions, and you’ve had enough.

If you know how to send mixed signals to a girl, you might just able to change her perception of you in such a way that it tips her over to you.

So that she’s the one chasing, and you aren’t trying so hard.

If you want this to happen, keep reading.

In this article, I’ll go over a case study of a student who’s learning to send mixed signals to a girl, and the success he had.

You’ll learn:

  • How to send mixed signals to a girl naturally
  • Why you should stop trying to be her “boyfriend”, and instead aim to be her “lover”
  • The best mindset to have if you want to feel free, have fun, and meet lots of women
  • Why this is also the best mindset to have even if you eventually want a girlfriend

Ok here’s the question from the reader.


Frankie I want to say thank you for the help. I’m trying follow your steps but I feel like I’m still missing something.

My ex works with me. I don’t give her as much attention as I used to. When we broke up she texted me saying she wants to be my girlfriend but doesn’t have the time right now. I know it is a hunk of baloney but I said okay anyway.

I didn’t hear much from her until one day at work when we talked a little bit and hugged and stuff.

Then she texted me that night and said that I am a cute nerd. Then texted me the next day saying she was thinking about me. I would have tried to meet up but it was Christmas and I didn’t reply in time for her to be awake.

I haven’t heard from her since that time, but I just feel it fading again.

Also I’m in between attractions because I like another girl I work with and I’m trying to get a date with her now.

Should I ask the other out? Did I do something to drive away my ex again?

Or is it going to take more time? I want her back, but I like the other one too. I just feel like I need a little push to get her to me and not away again. Please help thanks.


>>>My Comments

Hey Jake,

When a girl says she doesn’t want to be your girlfriend or isn’t ready for a relationship, it usually means the relationship is getting too serious for her and she isn’t ready to be locked down into an official boyfriend-girlfriend commitment like that.

However, she definitely likes you!

It’s just that if she senses that you’re too focused on getting her back as your official girlfriend, it’ll crowd her freedom and she’ll want space.

See she wants to take it slow. Much better would be to focus on just being friends with benefits without putting a label on it.

This mindset of not committing right away happens naturally if you’ve got female options to choose from.  See, a man with options doesn’t commit into a relationship right away. It takes time.

So the mindset you should have right now is “I’m not ready for anything serious, I just want to be free and have fun”…

To be more specific, if you engage in behavior that corresponds with “traditional formal dating”… then the woman will get a sense that you’re trying to be the boyfriend and she’ll play hard to get.

However, if you engage in behavior that corresponds with the “lover” or “player”… it will be easier to escalate things because you’re taking the pressure off her and you are only focused on fun in the present moment.

This is a more effective path even if you want to turn her into a girlfriend in the future.

Have this mindset with both the new girl and your ex while you focusing on yourself, your purpose, and passions in life.

Invite the ex to hang out next time she reaches out, but remember to just keep it fun and light. No relationship talk, and no feelings talk.

Same goes for the new girl… and talk to other girls as well.

***His Reply***

Frankie, this is going awesome!

Now I’ve got so many girls I don’t know what to do with them.

I’m just curious though was that the right plan? To bring the player back?

I’ll tell you one thing though, since I’ve been taking this advice my whole outlook has changed and my confidence shot way up!

Another question though, I want to send mixed signals right? So I want to be clear on what I want but should that be communicated in a more indirect way?

Thanks man, you’ve helped a lot!

***My Reply***

Hey Jake great to hear that!

It seems like you have the right attitude down. You brought the player back. Nice!

The thing about mixed signals is that we can say “do these things to send mixed signals and attract her”… and that’s cool…

But you also send mixed signals naturally when you’re in abundance of women to choose from.

All we’re doing is replicating how we would act if we had a bunch of
women to choose from.

Because what causes “attraction” is things you would do if you were
“in-demand” and had many options.

If you’re already in this mindset, you do this naturally, but for noobs,
the shortcut is: How would a guy behave if he got laid a lot?

See, sending mixed signals stems from abundance: The mentality that you have many options…

…and when you have many options to choose from, you don’t just settle down and get into a serious relationship with the first cute girl who gives you attention.

When you feel non-needy with girls, you behave differently.

Specific behaviors of the player who gets laid a lot:

  • You are willing to walk away (because you have other options)
  • You are unfazed by rejection (because you have other options)
  • You feel loose, and say things that are more “risky” because you care less about rejection
  • You aren’t quick to jump into an exclusive relationship (because when you have many options, you’ll want to have strong chemistry with a girl and date her for several months before you decide to make her exclusive and give up the other girls you’re seeing).

How Are the Signals “Mixed”?

Mixed signals are mixed because you show intent that you want to sleep with her, but the girl isn’t sure where she stands with you “romantically”.

She knows you want to get physical with her… but she doesn’t know whether you want to make her your girlfriend.

You know how guys have the problem of being in the “friend zone”? Well women have the problem of being in the “fuck zone” with a guy who they sleep with, but she isn’t sure if he wants to be her boyfriend. 

She wonders “does he only want me for ‘fun’… or might he want a relationship in the future?… where do I stand with him?”

When you start assuming you’re a man of value, you become the prize, and women will want to win you over and lock you down as their boyfriend.

Making you “like like” her is something a girl works to win. She wants you to fall head over heels in love with her. It validates her as having the power to romantically attract men.

When she senses a guy getting crush on her too quickly after meeting her, she loses interest because he never made her “work” for his romantic attraction. He gave it away too easily. The chase is over.

Of course, if the guy assumes he’s a man of value, he doesn’t jump into commitment too quickly, and this happens naturally.

Because when you have many options, aren’t needy for attention, and don’t fall head-over-heels for a girl you just met, you naturally make a girl work to win you over.

Use “The Scrambler” to Re-Attract Her Back

When a relationship starts getting “serious” before the girl’s attraction level 
gets high enough… it causes her to lose feelings and fade away.

In particular…

This video reveals 5 Romantic Mistakes that make a girl fade away when you do them too soon.

Now if you’ve already made any of these mistakes… the good news is you can use a sneaky little mind game called The Scrambler to get a woman’s attraction back to how it was before.

Have a look at this video and see what I mean.

PS: The Scrambler is like sending mixed signals to a girl on steroids