Make Small Talk Sexy: Conversation Escalation Review

One of the biggest sticking points guys have with women is not knowing what to say to the girl they’re trying to attract.

Getting stuck mid-conversation with a woman is a roadblock that stops you from progressing any further.

Even if you know you’d be great together, the “love story” never happens for the simple fact that you can’t create a conversation that makes her realize how you are the ONE for her.

This causes you to lose the potential love of your life for the sole reason of not being able to talk.

The good news is that “talking” and having conversations is a SKILL you can build over time.

Our brain is silly in that it thinks we are permanently good or bad at something… but most of the time, being “bad” simply means you haven’t put enough work and repetition into building a skill.

“Repetition is the Mother of Skill” – Tony Robbins

Repeat something enough times and it becomes second nature.

And then once you do build the skill that brings you success with women, you’ll look back and realize how silly you were to think you were “permanently” bad… and you’ll kick yourself for not learning this sooner.

Introducing “Make Small Talk Sexy: Conversation Escalation”

Make Small Talk Sexy: Conversation Escalation is the program that helps you build the “skill” of conversation escalation. It trains you in the “what to say” department with girls. It is full of practical tips on how to have fun attractive conversations with women.

Inside the program, not only will you learn “word-for-word” lines, but you’ll also learn foundational principles you can use when talking to women in all situations without needing to memorize lines.

Let’s talk more about these “foundational principles”…

4 Key Lessons of Make Small Talk Sexy: Conversation Escalation

1. How to Lead a Conversation and Keep it Going

Becoming a good conversationalist may be the single biggest thing you can do to improve the quality of your life, since it can help you meet girls, make new friends, and even improve your career.

The good news is that out of all the things you can do to improve your success with women, upgrading your conversation skills is one of the fastest things you can work on.

Give Yourself Permission to Take Charge

Guys look for any sign a woman doesn’t want to talk to them as an excuse to eject (and reject) themselves from the conversation.

Since women don’t usually give you signs that say it’s ok to keep going, you feel like you’re in the dark not knowing if she likes you and wants to keep talking to you.

That’s why you must give yourself “permission” to keep escalating the conversation.

Be “ok” with leading the conversation forward and holding that responsibility of introducing fun topics that “hook” her attention.

(Use the conversation methods you learn in Conversation Escalation to keep the convo rolling)

2. Bring Value to the Table

According to Bobby Rio, the value you bring to a woman you’re interacting with, is the experience you make her feel in that moment when you’re having a conversation with her.

In Make Small Talk Sexy: Conversation Escalation, you will learn 3 things you must do to create that value. These things are more important than factors such as how much money you make, height, and “looks”.

Because guys think women are impressed by money and other superficial things, their conversations tend to have a certain degree of “bragging”. I’ve actually seen this happen so many times and you could actually see the woman lose interest whenever a guy tried to “brag” about material things.

Conversation Escalation shows you how you can create conversations that make you “high-status” without seeming like you’re bragging.


One big key to bringing value and becoming high-status to a woman is to make her feel emotions.

3. Emotionally Charge the Conversation

You can’t “logic” a woman into liking you, you must make her feel emotions.

When we get stuck and don’t know what to say in a conversation, we want to avoid the “awkward silence”, so what do we tend to do?

We automatically go into logical “interview mode” where we ask the girl questions like “where are you from?”…”where did you go to school?”… “what do you do for work?”.

This interview mode sucks the conversation dry of fun and emotions. Instead, we want a conversation to have a variety of emotions that the girl experiences. That’s how she becomes “hooked” to talking to you.

In “Make Small Talk Sexy: Conversation Escalation” Bobby Rio teaches you all the emotional elements you must bring into a conversation to get a woman “hooked” and interested in you.

You’ll learn the types of conversation topics and templates that get a girl excited to talk to you. And you’ll have a handful of tools and tricks in your back pocket to use in case an awkward silence happens.

4. Inject Sexuality and Intent

Even if you have a conversation that contains emotions, that often isn’t enough to get you to your goal.

What is your intent with this girl? Do you want to only have a fun conversation with her, do you want to be just friends, or do you actually want to take her home and sleep with her? If sex is your goal, it’s better that you “sprinkle” sexuality into your conversation.

To illustrate this point, there’s a story Bobby has told many times that you may relate to.

Several years ago at a college frat party, Bobby met a girl who was into Gary Null, a popular health guru Bobby was also into.

As soon as he discovered she shared this similar interest, Bobby got excited as they got into an hour-long conversation about Gary Null.

They talked about their favorite Gary Null books, quotes, and recipes. They both “scoffed” at all of the other party goers who didn’t share their vegetarian ideals… and they gleefully made plans to someday go to the Gary Null center in NY together.

They had built all this rapport and forged a great connection on this topic, and so Bobby felt that he “had” her and that she was into him… FOR SURE.

Well, she eventually bailed out of the conversation with the “excuse” of having to use the restroom…

And when Bobby went upstairs to check on her, he discovered her hooking up with another guy from the party who she had barely just met.

Now yes, this was certainly a kick in the gut for him…

But it was also an epiphany on how you can’t just rely on building rapport with a girl and expect that something will just happen.

Meaning that even if your conversation is “emotional” and you “talk about your passions” (as Bobby did with Gary Null)… you won’t reach your goal of sleeping with the girl…

UNLESS you include the key ingredients of Sexuality and Intent.

Bobby’s conversation with “Gary Null girl” involved emotions and he talked about his passions… but he got stuck in a “conversation island” where he only relied on one topic.

There was no sexuality nor intent. The interaction never moved toward his goal of sleeping with her. There was no flirting or “escalation” that moved the interaction towards the direction he wanted to go. That’s why the conversation fizzled out and the girl found someone else.

So remember to sprinkle in “intent” and sexuality into a conversation.

You can’t just build rapport forever, at some point, you must break rapport and “risk it” by introducing intent and sexuality.

Make Small Talk Sexy: Conversation Escalation teaches you templates and tactics to inject sexuality into a conversation