She Likes Me But is Scared of a Relationship

A girl who’s important to you says she likes you, but doesn’t want to be in a relationship right now.

Handle this the wrong way and you’ll push her away even more.

Or… learn to ramp up the attraction a girl already feels for you, and take your fling to the next level.

This video reveals how.

Girl Doesn’t Want to Rush Things

In this article I’ll cover what to do when you’re going out with a girl who doesn’t want to rush things. In other words, she doesn’t want to make the relationship “official” yet.

If this is your situation, keep reading.

Especially if:

  • You want the CERTAINTY of knowing she’s your official girlfriend
  • But you’re afraid she is losing feelings
  • And you worry there’s another guy she likes

Let’s start off with an email I got the other day.

Our good friend Steve says “she likes me but is scared of a relationship”…

What should he do?

Read on…


She Likes Me But is Scared of a Relationship

Hi Frankie,

I’ve read all your articles on girls and have learnt so much on what to do and what not to do that I’m attracting lots of women.

Now I finally found one but I need some advice on the situation below.

So I have been dating this girl for approximately two months and the emotional and sexual chemistry is fantastic.

Finally after dating lots of women, I’ve found someone I really click with!

However, now I’m in a very disturbing situation.

The girl went distant two weeks ago, and something felt wrong…

Then she said she felt overwhelmed by the relationship and wants space.

She said “things just went too fast, I just need a break cause it’s all just a little bit too much for me at the moment”.

Seems like she likes me but is scared of a relationship.

I responded by saying I understand where she is coming from, that I would like to keep seeing her and that I am open and honest and would never lie to her, and I that hope to hear from her soon.

Soon after that, she blocked me on Instagram and Facebook. 

Do you think this is a massive over reaction on her part?

Do you think there’s someone else?

Should I just wait and see if she contacts me or should I contact her in about a week and talk about something completely unrelated – about her?

Your advice would be much appreciated because I didn’t beg, plead, chase her, I was never needy (sometimes she would message first and then I would), it was going really well.


– Steve

>>>My Comments

Hey Steve,

That’s a pretty big reaction from her and I wouldn’t contact her ever again until she reached out first. 

I think she felt the relationship was going too fast and her “gut” told her to pull away and seek space.

Related Article: When a Girl Wants to “Slow Down” the Relationship

A girl’s emotions vary from time to time, so what she wants with you can change too.

One second you’re having sex and she feels great… and she gets all romantic and the conversation topic is planning weekend getaways, and she talks about you meeting her parents.

The next second, she feels overwhelmed by relationship stuff and she wants freedom.

See, when women feel the relationship is getting “serious”, and she isn’t ready for it… it scares her and it makes her pull away.

A good guideline is to act like her “LOVER”… but not like her “BOYFRIEND”.
I sense that if you acted too much like the boyfriend, the seriousness of the relationship scared her as it was something she wasn’t ready for.

That’s why when you first start seeing a girl, you should only focus on hanging out and hooking up.

When you catch romantic feelings too soon, it can kill attraction.

Let HER be the one who catches romantic feelings.

Then even when she does get romantic, be on alert as she might get a bit overwhelmed and pull away.

But if that happens, like it did in your case, there’s a clear plan.


Right now, she seeks space, and the move is to give her that space.

All in all, this could just be a big “test”. She’s seeing how you react. (At least her instincts are creating this test)

The strong move now is to do nothing and wait for her to reach out again.

In the meantime go out, socialize, and see other women .

I know it’s hard… but if you can do it, it’s the best thing you can ever do in a situation like this.

At the same time, it’s vital that you stick with your purpose. Your purpose can be your career… your business… passions.

(This article shows why it’s important to be a man on your purpose)

Whatever it is, refocus on your purpose so that you have an anchor of good emotions and aren’t easily swayed by women’s opinions of you.

The Technique That Re-Attracts Her Back

When a relationship starts getting “serious” before the girl’s attraction level 
gets high enough… it causes her to lose feelings and fade away.

In particular…

This video reveals 5 Romantic Mistakes that make a girl fade away when you do them too soon.

Now if you’ve already made any of these mistakes… the good news is you can use a sneaky little mind game called “The Scrambler” to get a woman’s attraction back to how it was before. (I review the Scrambler here)

Have a look at this video and see what I mean.