If you’re stuck wondering what to text a girl on valentine’s day…
And you want to get her horny and ready for hot sex with you by the end of the night…
Then you’ll want to steal the FREE examples that my friend Matt Artisan gives you in this article.
Not only is he one of the most sought after dating coaches in the world, but he has a way with words. Words that have the ability to seduce women through text messages.
And I asked him to share some of his seductive texts with you.
By the way, here’s how to get a girl OBSESSED with you
Valentine’s Day Text Messages Examples
***Heads Up: Only Use These If You Are Ready to Have Sex***
Enter Matt…
Matt here. Ok I am going to show you how to prime her for sex, even if you haven’t been on a date yet.
You can use this in two scenarios:
1. After you have had sex and you want to keep things exciting.
2. Before the first date, but your initial interaction must have had a strong sexual connection.
Warning: This will only work after there has been sexual tension and attraction in person.
Here is what you do…
Send her a bait text, to start the sexual thoughts. You want to start off very slow and subtle and then work your way up to screaming sexual imagery.
Here are some examples of bait texts to turn things sexual…
1. “Stop it! :-)”
2. “If we were alone I would…”
3. “That smile of yours is incredibly distracting…”
You will get a good response if there has been sexual chemistry and tension. From there, you start building up the sexual imagery… like this:
1. “I want to tease you and kiss you all over”
2. “Imagine how it is going to feel when I wrap my hands around you and press you tight against my body.”
3. “I can’t stop thinking about you lying in my bed with your hair fanned out.”?
4. “I am going to pin you against the wall and press my lips against yours… then throw you onto the bed…”
If you are using this before any sexual intimacy, then you must proceed with caution and gauge her response. Remember, start slow and build up.
Now go enjoy a night of fun 😉
Matt Artisan
Hey it’s Frankie again.
I hope you now have a better idea of what to text a girl on valentine’s day.
Now if there’s a female friend you’re having trouble with…
Here’s how you can finally date that hard to get girl
The link will take you to a video that teaches you a weird little mind game, called “The Scrambler” that flips a switch in a girl’s mind and gets her obsessed with sleeping with you.
In the beginning of the video, you will also learn 5 Romantic Mistakes that
will almost always land you in the friend zone.
If your female friend gave you a “let’s just be friends” talk… it’s probably due to one of those 5 mistakes.
So let’s make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Your friend,