Why Your Wife Won’t Sleep With You

Your wife isn’t the least bit interested in sex, and you’re suffering because of it.

What’s more… she blames you for stuff all the time, she picks fights with
you over nothing, and you feel like you’re losing control of the relationship.

How do you take control, get her sexually attracted to you again, and get the relationship to how it was before?

Text Your Wife Into Bed teaches you how to bring back the spark into your love life.

If you want to make your wife sexually attracted to you again, keep reading.

Here’s why:

In this article, I will reveal

  • Why women act cranky and create drama
  • Why your wife won’t sleep with you
  • 1 weird reason your wife will unconsciously sabotage your relationship if you’re not careful…
  • How to use “prescribed drama” to take control and get her interest back
  • Why setting “date nights” can lead to boredom and loss of interest… and what to do instead to increase the intensity of your love life

So pay close attention.

The “Secret Psychology” of Why Women Act Cranky and Create Drama

Does your wife tend to pick fights with you over the smallest details? Does you sometimes feel like she blames you for everything?

Why does this happen?

There are two reasons:

1. You are acting weak, and she’s frustrated that she can just walk all over you

You are overly accommodating to her needs, always willing to please her… EVEN when she’s “misbehaving” and treating you like dirt.

And she hates that… because she wants her husband to be a real man who has boundaries and stands up for them when needed.

So she picks fights with you, secretly hoping you’ll take charge and put your foot down.

If you aren’t displaying the masculine behaviors that trigger sexual attraction inside of her, it’s a big reason why your wife won’t sleep with you.

If you’ve displayed weak behavior with your wife, it’s time to make a change SOON, before your wife

A) leaves you


B) Becomes increasingly controlling, domineering, and neurotic

2. She craves emotional intensity (and you’re not giving it to her)

Did you know that women crave drama, and because of this, they can go on
to sabotage a relationship?

I’ll explain.

A woman craves drama and moments of high emotional intensity.

However, when they get married, guys often think “I’m married now, I’ve won” …and they stop “courting” and seducing their wives… because they think the “game” is over.

This leads to predictability, boredom, and a loss of the emotional intensity women crave.

Hence, women create “drama” to compensate.

She will obtain her dose of emotional intensity in various ways.

Such as picking fights with you, trying to get on your nerves so that you react with anger and she feeds off that emotional intensity.

She probably does this without even noticing.

Other ways she gets her “fix” are… watching soap opera “novelas”… or watching emotional tv shows like “Dancing With the Stars” where every contestant cries every 5 minutes.

Again, she’s probably completely unaware that she does this. It’s simply a side of “female psychology” most people don’t know about.

However, it’s important that you become aware of when this happens, because it can sabotage your relationship if you’re not careful.

How to Fix This and Satisfy Her Urge For Emotional Intensity

Women want drama, while men want peace and calm.

If the woman doesn’t get the drama she yearns for… she will create it… one way or another.

So what you do here is you…

TAKE CONTROL by Creating *Prescribed* Drama

Much like firemen create prescribed fires in order to avoid a big one…

Creating prescribed drama lets you TAKE CONTROL of when the intensity happens.

Not only does she end up satisfied, but you also get your peace and calm. Happy wife, happy marriage.

Text Your Wife Into Bed gives you tips on how to do this.

The way to keep her happy, avoid fights, and bring back the spark to your sex life is to…

1. Use the techniques inside “Text Your Wife Into Bed” to show her you love her without a doubt


2. Also show her you’re a strong and independent man.

Show her that even though you love her and WANT her in your life… that you don’t NEED her, and you’re capable of being happy without her as well.

This means put your foot down and let her know that it’s unacceptable if she treats you badly or acts inappropriately.

Far too many men out there go out of their way to be accommodating little “pleasers” to their wives.

Even when they are being mistreated, these “pleaser” husbands do things like:

  • Being overly accommodating to her needs, while sacrificing his own needs
  • Walking on eggshells to avoid offending her
  • Not setting boundaries and letting her walk all over them

When a guy does this, he is far too scared of losing his wife so he does anything possible to avoid “getting in trouble” with his wife and avoid losing her approval.

However she is DISGUSTED by this.

She will see you as “weak” if you act this way…

And it’s a big reason why your wife won’t sleep with you.

Deep down, your wife wants you to “put your foot down” and let her know her behavior wasn’t acceptable.

If you react to her misbehavior by acting like an accommodating wuss, she’ll lose attraction and resent you for it… because she wants a REAL MAN.


3. Lead by creating fun-filled dates… BUT don’t make them predictable!

You need to be creating regular fun-filled dates that lead to sex.  You seduce your wife and give her experiences that fulfill the emotional intensity she craves.

Now most men will make one day of the week the “date night”… but it is a big mistake.

This predictability can lead to boredom, and lack of emotional intensity… which leads to loss of attraction.

Therefore, don’t make your “date nights” on the same day. (No “date night is Friday night”)

See, you want to surprise your wife and keep her on edge.

And surprising your wife with a date night she doesn’t expect keeps the air of spontaneity and keeps the spark of romance going.

If your wife is avoiding intimacy, and you feel like you’re losing her…

Text Your Wife Into Bed shows you how to use texting to bring back the spark and seduce your wife into bed.

To increase the intensity of your love life, click here.