How to Be Funny Around Girls – The Power of Sub-Communication

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If you want to know how to be funny around girls, and the “Secret Language” of Sub-Communication, read on…


Do you know that there’s a type of humor that will “accidentally” turn a girl OFF… and you won’t even notice it?

Listen: Using the RIGHT kind of humor with a girl can work MAGIC in getting her to react positively to you, but, if you use the WRONG kind of humor, it won’t create any attraction. In fact, the wrong kind of humor will turn a girl OFF… and you won’t even realize it because she might still laugh at what you say.

Yup, there’s a right and wrong way to use humor with a girl… If you do it right, you will create attraction with a girl, and you will get to do the “fun” things you’ve been wanting to do with her.

If you do it wrong, she might still laugh, but for the wrong reasons. The wrong kind of humor will probably make her see you as just a silly clown. And chances are, she won’t be laughing with you… but laughing AT YOU.

Now, you might be wondering, “Frankie, why is there such a big difference in result if she laughs either way, huh?” Well the answer to this question lies in what’s called…

The POWER of Sub-Communication

Let me tell you how it goes: Whenever you say a joke, not only will it have a “surface-level” meaning, but, it will also have a DEEPER meaning called the “sub-text” of the communication. Hence sub-communication.

To add to that, the subtext of a joke leaves clues to the kind of guy that you are. Girls will detect these subtext clues… like a radar.

Here’s something you might not know: A lot of guys don’t know how to be funny around girls… the right way… so the result is that…

They Fall Into the “TRAP of Getting Laughs” From a Girl

It’s like, when they get a laugh, they feel like they get a “point” and are that much closer to getting the girl to like them.

What those guys fail to realize, is the power of the subtext they send out with their humor…. and so they end up making lots of girls laugh… but NEVER taking them home!

And why do they fail? Because their humor sends the wrong subtext… and so they fail to create ATTRACTION!

Here, I’ll give you some examples of good and bad subtext to show you what I mean. We will call these examples the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Let’s start with the ugly.

The Ugly: The Dead Baby Joke

You might have heard these jokes before. If you haven’t, here’s how one of them goes:

“What’s the difference between a pile of dead babies and a Ferrari? I don’t keep a Ferrari in my garage”

Get it? It implies you have a pile of dead babies in your garage.

Fact is, some people find it funny, while others find it offensive… but what matters to you, right now, is what a hot girl sitting across from you will think of it.

If you say a dead baby joke to a woman, it will NOT go over well.  She will think that you lack sensitivity, and she will see you are socially “out of tune.”

So make sure to avoid this kind of humor around women.

Onwards with “The Bad”…

The Bad: Self-Deprecating Humor

Disclaimer: Self-deprecating humor can work, (that’s why it’s only bad, and not ugly) but it can only work when you say it from a position of STRENGTH. If you have already shown you have confidence, self-deprecating humor is a way of showing a girl that you don’t take yourself too seriously. And it can work wonders.

However, if you aren’t that good at establishing confidence…yet, then I don’t recommend using self-deprecating humor.

If you do use it, you run the risk of the girl laughing at you, and that’s a BIG no no.

Instead… try this next kind of humor… because it’s a real GEM. I’m serious, this is like humor level: James Bond 007

The Good: Joking About Guys Who Get Needy or Clingy

Now buckle up and pay attention, because this is something you want to write down. Remember when I said humor has a “sub” level of communication?

Well, this kind of humor will work wonders communicating to a girl that you’re not the kind of guy who will get clingy if she decides to spend the night with you.

This is HUGE… and here’s why:

If you go out and ask a group of attractive women about needy guys… each of them will probably tell you their “dating horror story” about a guy they went out with, who then got extremely clingy and called and texted her a million times a day.

See, when a girl is starting to like you… she unconsciously wonders if you will be one of those clingy guys… and a beautiful attractive woman will have a high-definition RADAR to detect if you are clingy… even if you show just one OUNCE of clinginess.

This is where your humor works its magic.

When you make a joke about a clingy guy… first, it’s funny, and she will laugh and get good feelings. But most importantly… your sub-text tells the girl “yup, I’m not that kind of clingy guy”

It’s exactly how to be funny around girls that you want seeing you as a potential LOVER who doesn’t get clingy.

Related: How to Make a Girl Laugh – #1 Secret to Making Women Laugh

Knowing How to Use Humor Creates Attraction and Gets You Laid With Smart, Beautiful Women Who Know You “Get It”

Now imagine, what will you do if you had a big arsenal of similar attractive humor examples? Well you can get such an arsenal right now: Learn how to use “high status” humor to attract women

If you’re interested in learning more “high status” humor tactics that create attraction in a girl… go here: