How to End a Conversation With a Girl to Make Her Want You By Breaking Rapport

Hey, Frankie here…

I want to tell you about an amazing technique I learned that deals how to end a conversation with a girl…

And it has to do with the concept of “breaking rapport.”

This technique is ESPECIALLY powerful when you’re out at a club or bar interacting with multiple girls… and you want a girl to think of you as more than “just an average guy.”

Now even though breaking rapport is very very simple… for some reason, guys just don’t apply it correctly… because it’s RARELY taught properly.

So I’d love to teach you, in detail, a simple technique to break rapport that leaves a woman wanting more from you.

When you do it…  you won’t have to worry about what to say next, your mind going blank, or awkwardly stalling out.

And here’s the best part: You will REALLY start to get results when you apply this with multiple girls in one night.

Onward. Let’s get started.

As you imagine your past conversations, you’ll find that, as you’re having the conversation, you go through a lot of “peaks” and a lot of “dips.”

Here’s what I mean:

When you’re at a peak, the level of rapport and good vibes between you and the girl is HIGH, while when you’re at a dip, the rapport fades a bit.

Normally, your opening line usually has a peak, but then you get into a bit of a dip… because you’re thinking “what do I say next?” …and she’s thinking “ok what next?”…and as you’re thinking of things to say you’re kinda mumbling or making irrelevant small talk that “fills the space” … until you reach your next peak.

Whatever you start with, you will find that after that initial peak there is a dip — after that initial high-point there is a lull.

For instance, maybe your opening line was a really funny joke that you told her when you walked up to her… but now you want to keep talking to her… so your brain starts spinning its wheels trying to think of something clever to say that makes her laugh again… or you’re trying to bounce into another interesting conversation topic that will get this conversation with this hottie going.

Now if you’re skilled enough, you will soon find something else to talk about — (something else to transition to) — which creates another peak in the conversation.

And now the vibe between you and the girl jumps to an “excited state” yet again.

In other words, you are BUILDING RAPPORT once again.

But here’s the thing:

Sooner Or Later, You Will Have to BREAK That Rapport

Otherwise the conversation will get stale, your conversation will go into a dip, and both you and the girl will get bored.

If you want a girl to want you sexually, you don’t want the rapport to slowly fade away — No, you want to BREAK the rapport at the high point.

And this is the KEY to breaking rapport in a way that escalates the interaction and makes a girl want you and chase you. You need to know how to end a conversation with a girl and monitor when that peak is JUST ABOUT to take a dip…

And when you’re at that high point and about to dip again…

That’s The Point When You Actually Break Rapport!

That’s the point when you say to a girl “you know what, I’m being so rude right now, it’s my friend’s b-day, I’ve got to go hang out with him” (and then you might give her a hug and walk away)

What this does is that… by breaking rapport at the peak of the conversation… you actually leave her WANTING MORE!

And this means…

You Can Go Back to Her Anytime You Like

Because the last memory that she associates with YOU is a positive one.

So immediately when she sees you again and you start speaking to her again you are going to bring back that awesome emotion you left her with.

But Here’s Where Things Go WRONG…

What do most guys do in this situation?

Naturally, MOST guys would cling to this girl like peanut butter to the roof of a dog’s mouth. And then they break rapport at the DIP in the conversation.

But he’s not actually breaking rapport, he’s actually just plain breaking AWAY!

He will wait for the conversation to fizzle out… and then he will try anything he can to keep the conversation going, but he’s stuck on a dip — and he can’t shift it and go to another peak.

So what does he do? He makes the decision to finally leave her.

He’s then falsely thinks “ok I’m breaking rapport now, time to make her chase me!” — but what he REALLY is doing is just breaking away… because there simply wasn’t any rapport to break in the first place! (Just uncomfortable awkwardness…)

The worse part is that this is incredibly uncomfortable for the girl (and the guy too).

She’s thinking I hope he leaves…

He’s thinking I hope she says something to keep this going…

She’s thinking I’m going to tell him to go at any second…

He says “ok I’m going to go now”…

And she thinks to herself: “thank goodness that was REALLY getting uncomfortable!”…

Now at this moment in time, there is ZERO point in him going back to that girl — because the last memory she associates with him is a NEGATIVE one — so if he comes back to her, she’s going to be HOSTILE to him. She’s going to have hostile body language, and her response is going to be a negative one.

If you break rapport improperly, it’s almost IMPOSSIBLE to get into another peak with a girl, much less to get her number or take her home with you.

And that’s why I’m trying to deeply engrave into your mind the importance of breaking rapport correctly… so that this doesn’t happen to you.


When you feel that you are hitting the high point… break rapport and LET HER GO.

By breaking off the interaction yourself when it is still on an UP NOTE you make yourself STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD and come across as FAR more attractive to her.

You need to be able to separate yourself and walk away from the girl EVEN if you’re feeling great at that high point.

Now let’s say you’re talking to a girl at a club or bar. I get it, you might worry about leaving the girl and some other guy getting in and talking to her.

The thing is…Most of the guys that are going to talk to her that night will probably get blown off… she’s going to tell them she’s not interested.

Why? Because they’ll be making the mistakes you have learned to avoid.

They’ll be orbiting her the whole night

They’ll be hanging around her like mosquitoes,

And they DEFINITELY won’t be breaking rapport correctly…

And eventually, you know what? Something MAGICAL will happen…

She’s going to look at you… and you’re going to look at her…

And you will give a signal to her… (such as a yawn or a look like you’re falling asleep)…  because you’re trying to show her that you understand she’s really bored of that guy she’s with…

And so many times I’ve noticed this: The girl is going to run to the guy that broke rapport with her (correctly)… because she can trust him that he’s not going to be hanging around her for ages…

So she’ll leave the guy she’s speaking to… and she’ll say to the guy… “oh I’m just going to see my friend”…

And then she will…


Essentially, you’ll be rescuing her from this guy who doesn’t know what he’s doing.

Why does this happen? 3 powerful reasons.

Breaking Rapport Does 3 Things That Are Incredibly Powerful

1.You Demonstrate That You Are a MAN in DEMAND.

You demonstrate that you are popular, everyone wants to speak to you, your time is precious, and your time is valuable — this is VERY ATTRACTIVE to women.

And she’s going to be spotting this. She’s going to see you speaking to other people in the club.Even if you’re just doing the exact same thing to them as what you did to her… she’s going to come under the impression that they are your friends that you are speaking with… and that you are this really really sociable guy.

Remember, you’re going to be breaking rapport with a number of girls. You aren’t just going to be stuck with one girl the whole evening…

And by doing so…

2. You Show Her That You’re Not Giving Her That Much Value.

A lot of guys will just abandon their friends, abandon their plans, forget about their friends completely… and just orbit that woman for the rest of the night… just because she was POLITE TO HIM FOR JUST A FEW MINUTES.

And girls see this…

She sees right through you and thinks to herself when you do this: “You’re with these guys who are out partying… you are having a fun time… and now suddenly because I’m nice to you for a couple of minutes you’re like on my case, all night.”

Guys don’t realize this… but women spot this A MILE AWAY.

Which is another reason why you need to know how to end a conversation with a girl attractively.

Instead, break rapport with her and show her you have your plan… you have your friends this evening… and you’re not going to leave them just cause she’s nice to you. She’s going to have to do A LOT more than that if she wants your full undivided attention.

You leave her at the high point… you go back to your friends… she sees that you have your “own plan” and as she thinks about how awesome she felt talking to you…

3. You Give Her the *Gift* of Missing You. 

You get into her mind and it makes her DESIRE you more.

Ever heard of that saying absence makes the heart grow fonder?.  This is that saying IN MOTION. You are going to make her miss you.

So other guys are going to talk to her in the meantime? Who cares.

LET HER talk to the other guys. Let the drunken guys slobber all over her… that’s fine, she’ll just appreciate you a whole lot more.

The great thing is that, when you go see her again, you can carry on from where you left off, or you can start a whole new conversation.She will now start making more of an effort to keep you there.

Because you’ve created this cycle where you do this a few times and every time it gets good, you leave her… and all and all, it makes her WANT YOU MORE.And that my friend… is the KEY to breaking rapport.

Now if you’re interested in learning more “conversation secrets” to smoothly escalate your conversations…(and I’m guessing you do or you wouldn’t be reading this), then this is the ideal first step.

Just go here:

Not only will you learn several techniques to break rapport, ramp up sexual tension, and create conversations that flow from beginning to end… but I know that Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy WILL help your life for the better.

…Or you can ‘wing it’ on guesswork and hope for the best… but I hope you take my advice instead. 🙂

Here’s the link:

Your friend,