How to Win Back a Girl Who Has Lost Interest

An amazing woman who used to like you isn’t interested anymore, and this is making you very upset.

If you want to know how to win back a girl who has lost interest, keep reading to learn specific psychological techniques get her attracted to you again.

Girl Goes Cold

When a girl loses interest in you, you first notice when she starts going distant over text.

When this happens, you get a bad feeling in your stomach that something has changed

She isn’t eager to meet up with you like before…

She rarely texts back…

And even when she does respond, it’s only a one or two word reply…

You feel sad that the deep connection you had with her is all GONE… and you REALLY miss it.

Worse of all, you suspect she is seeing some other guy… so you desperately want to do something to get things back to how they were before.

But what do you do?

First, you must understand the reason she lost attraction for you.

Why She Lost Attraction

The reason this girl lost attraction for you is that the way she sees you in her mind has changed.

To her, she no longer thinks of you as someone she sees herself getting romantic or getting physical with.

Her image of you has shifted such that now you are “low-status” and “below her”.

Your attitude and the way you carry yourself contributes to this image… and this is great news for you… because it means you can change things and re-attract her back!

Which leads us to…


Do you want to know how to win back a girl who has lost interest?

Here it is…

The KEY to flipping her attraction switch is to do things that raise your “status” in her mind so that it SHATTERS her image of you and makes her think “Hmm he’s not the guy I thought he was”… (This is when she starts getting feelings for you again)

3 Behaviors to Raise Your Status and Flip Her Image of You

Behavior #1: Befriend Hot Women and Gain Pre-selection

Look, the #1 way to spark attraction is to already be “pre-selected” by other women.

Women are your best “wingmen”.

When a woman sees you with other women who are acting friendly to you, she thinks:

  • “if other women like him, then he must be attractive”
  • “He must be cool”
  • “He is not a creep”

This saves her time. She knows if she invests time with you, you will likely be cool and not a creep because other women are investing time in you and she figures those women already “figured out” that you’re cool and not creepy.

This is why it’s so important to make hot female friends… and to be OK just hanging out with them without getting a “result” with them.

If you already have the ability to do this, congratulations… if you don’t, then you need to stop being the loner who only has guy friends.

Now this is hard to do, because as soon as a hot female wants to be your friend, you fall in love with her.

See, when you’re the loner, you are in “scarcity” of women. So when a girl gives you attention, you get a crush on her and you want to make her your girlfriend (Your brain goes into “oneitis mode”)

That’s why you should make lots of female friends, and avoid falling in love with them. Just have fun and be cool.

Behavior #2: Become the Social Man

This uses the same skill as the first behavior.

When women see that you’re often making friends and talking to people… you develop “social proof”. Meaning, they automatically assume you’re a cool dude in social situations and you won’t make things weird and awkward.

That’s why you need to stop being the loner and socialize with more people.

Organize fun events or parties to get people…(especially cool guys and hot girls)… together.

For example: Groups dinners, group movies, going to the club, brunch, bbq, etc.

When you’re the cool social guy, a girl will get value to be seen hanging out with you.

When you’re the creepy loner with no friends, she might feel embarrassed to be seen hanging out with you.

Behavior #3: Change the Way You Interact With Her

Earlier we talked about how you must change the “image” of how this girl sees you, if you want her to become attracted to you again.

In order to do this, you must change what is called… “The Pattern of Interaction”

See, a pattern of interaction develops with any girl you consistently talk to.

This pattern gets crystallized from the very beginning as soon as you meet her.

The pattern can be:

  • You put her on a pedestal and treat her like she’s more important than you…
  • You constantly chase her validation….
  • You are afraid to bring up “Rated R” topics to avoid breaking rapport and lose her validation…
  • You are afraid of flirting to play it safe…
  • You hold yourself back from making a move because you’re afraid of rejection…

Now, the secret to win back a girl who has lost interest has to do with changing this pattern.

Because here’s the bottom line: You must BREAK this pattern to make her think of you differently.

How do you do it?

There’s an intriguing little “mind game” called “The Scrambler” that, when you use it on a girl, it SHIFTS this “pattern of interaction” and makes her strongly attracted to you…

Learn about it in this video.

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