When a Woman Leaves You For Another Man

An amazing woman you love dumped you for another guy.

And it hits you hard.

When a woman leaves you for another man, you are gutted.

You can’t eat… you can’t sleep… all your thoughts revolve around her and him together.

You are hurt, angry, jealous. It feels like you’re on fire inside a hot cloud of wild emotions.

If this is you, I know how you feel because I’ve been there before.

My name is Frankie Cola, and in 2011 I had a massive failure with an amazing woman I will never forget.

And this failure made me realize I NEEDED to “figure out” the topic of “Women and Dating”.

So I embarked on a journey to learn “success with women”.

After several years of hard work, trying all sorts of crazy things, and going to a ton of seminars, I learned a few things that consistently work – over and over again.

In particular, did you know that often when women lose attraction, they line up another guy ready to take your place by the time she leaves you?

I will talk more about this later in the article.

In this article, I will cover

  • 3 Reasons she lost attraction (fixing these mistakes makes you more attractive INSTANTLY)
  • 1 mistake men make during “date night”
  • The one thing that stops women from TAKING ADVANTAGE OF YOU, so that you START COMING OUT ON TOP
  • How addiction to “Female Validation” causes your woman to LOSE RESPECT for you and fall out of love with you

Let’s begin.

When a woman leaves you for another man, you have crazy emotions going through you.

Because of this, your first step is hold back and take a break.

Step 1: Cool Down, and Don’t Send Her Any More Texts

If you want ANY CHANCE of your ex leaving the new guy and coming back to you… LISTEN UP.

You must immediately go no contact and don’t send her any more texts.

I know I know, you’re probably thinking that if you let her go, she’ll just forget you and leave with her new guy…

…which is why you THINK you need to do something to get her back.

But this urge BETRAYS you.

Sending your ex girlfriend a barrage of texts in an all-out effort to get her back backfires because all you do is weaken yourself as a man… and this confirms her decision to leave you.

Instead of sending her texts pleading and begging for her to come back to you… you need to be STRONG for your woman.

And what strength for you means right now is this: You should never, EVER beg your woman to stay with you.

Look, you found this page, it shows you are smart enough to get help… and that’s awesome.

This puts you ahead of your competition.

The guy you’re competing with probably doesn’t know about this site or that this material even exists… so you have the advantage here.

Imagine… if in a few months from now… her new relationship isn’t working out because the new guy made a mistake or began acting weak himself… then she’ll start wondering about you once again.

But not if you act like a WUSS with your ex and eliminate all possibility of her coming back to you.

Which is why you must leave STRONG.

Step 2: Regroup your Forces and Develop a Strategy to Get Her Back

Right now is your chance to recover and renew yourself as a NEW MAN.

When we are weak, the universe gives us a “kick in the butt” we don’t forget.

That pain becomes EMOTIONAL LEVERAGE to ASCEND to the next level of evolution.

To rebuild yourself as a more confident, attractive masculine man, who attracts more women… it’s important to know the common mistakes men make in relationships that lead to attraction loss.

These are mistakes that you don’t notice yourself make… until it’s too late. So pay close attention.

When a woman leaves you for another man, the KEY reason is that she lost attraction.

And Step 3 deals with learning WHY she lost attraction and how to FIX IT.

Step 3: Learn Why Woman Loses Attraction

When a woman starts losing attraction, she does it slowly over time.

Yes, it might feel as if she SUDDENLY DID A 180 all in one week, but in reality, her attraction fade happened slowly… until she couldn’t hide it any longer.

Another thing you might not know, is that when a woman is losing attraction for you she often lines up another guy, and has him ready to date by the time she leaves you.

Related Article: Wife Wants Divorce and is Seeing an Older Married Man

Why does she lose interest for you?

3 Reasons Your Woman Lost Attraction

There are a number of possible reasons your woman lost feelings for you.

The first is something we just hinted at…

Mistake #1: You Chased Too Much When She Got Distant

When a woman goes distant, what happens next on your side is CRITICAL.

Crowd the space she seeks, and you’ll push her futher away.

Give her the space she wants, and you set things up for her to come back to you.

Read the tragic story of how I made this mistake

Mistake #2: “Wishy-Washy” Indecisiveness

A student of mine had a wife suddenly lose feelings for him. She just went cold.

When he gave me the details of his situation, I noticed 1 blatant mistake he was making.

It’s actually a sneaky little mistake guys make all the time because they get lazy.

Friday date night would come around and he would ask his wife “what do you want to do”.

Or his wife would ask, “where do you want to eat?” and he would reply with “wherever you want to is fine with me”.

He wasn’t being decisive… and courting your wife properly requires you to create dates and LEAD.

So don’t ask “what do you want to do?”… come up with a plan and say “Let’s go here and do this”. You be the man with the plan.

And when your wife asks “what do you want to do?” Don’t say “whatever you want to do”.

LEAD and say “Let’s go to this place, it’ll be great.”

Make this simple switch, and you’ll instantly become a bit more attractive.

Mistake #3: Not Standing Up For Yourself and Not Setting Boundaries (and Setting Weak Boundaries)

Allowing a woman to overstep your boundaries and “taking” her abuse will cause her to quickly lose respect for you.

Men turn into accommodating little pleasers when they are afraid of disapproval from their wife.

See, ever since we are little boys, we become addicted to approval from mommy. Then we grow up, and we still want that female validation…

Our self-esteem has been ADDICTED to this validation!

This dependence on female validation for good emotions is DETRIMENTAL to our ability keep a woman attracted.

Especially when it leads to:

  • Accepting unfair treatment from her
  • Not expressing your opinion in fear that she will harshly criticize you for it and make you feel bad.
  • Not leading and saying what you want to do
  • Walking on eggshells to avoid making her mad
  • Never putting your foot down and letting her walk all over your boundaries
  • Compromising your values in order to get on her “good” side
  • Feeling you need “permission” to act “bold” or say risky things… (this holds you back from doing behaviors that create attraction)

Women are incredibly attracted to men who are detached from female validation… men who are able generate good emotions FROM WITHIN without the woman treating them nicely.

Can You Turn Things Around and Re-Attract Her Back?

Yes, it’s possible, but only if you stop committing the mistakes you made that pushed her away… and start doing strong behaviors.

If you want to make your woman to regret her decision to dump you… and come back to you with open arms…

…then I also recommend that you check out the Ex Factor program:

Watch the video here

It shows you how to “re-attract” your ex back and make her fall in love with you again like before.

The “Ex Factor” is the system thousands of hurt and confused men have used to get their ex girlfriend back… so this is a “proven” system I’m talking about.

==> Check out the Ex Factor here

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