How to Win Back Your Ex Girlfriend From Another Man

Breaking News…

Your ex girlfriend is seeing another man… and it has caught you by surprise.

The woman you’ve been trying to win back has now moved on to someone else.

The shock hits you in the feels as you remember the good times you had with her.

You feel sad, hurt, and jealous.

If your ex girlfriend is seeing another man, and you’d do anything to win her back, then this is the most important article you’re ever going to read.

Especially if:

  • Attempts to convince her to come back to you only drive her away
  • She still returns your texts and seems to care, but she likes the other guy way more (he has the advantage… for now)
  • You can tell that the new guy is very sweet to her, does everything for her, and is head over heels in love with her (this is important)

If you resonate with most of the above, this article will give you a detailed plan of how to win back your ex girlfriend from another man, given the specific situation above.

(By the way, this video teaches you little-known techniques to “re-wire” your ex’s feelings and make her want you back)

But first, I want you to immediately squash a big mistake that is driving her away from you.

That mistake is being in constant contact with her as an attempt to get her attraction back.

If you’re contacting her every day — sending her sweet, romantic texts, showing her you care, “making moves” that attempt to bring the spark back… stop sending those texts immediately — they are murdering your chances.

Instead, you must immediately start the “no contact” process.

If you don’t give her space, you won’t allow her to fall back in love with you.

Yes, I know you feel that letting her go will cause her to fade away and forget about you. But that feeling is a trick that forces you to reach out and crowd her space, which leads to more attraction loss.  (I explain more of this later, so read on).

Story From a Student

Here’s a story from a student and my response to it.

His case is very specific to your situation, so pay close attention.


How to Win Back Your Ex Girlfriend From Another Man?

Dear Frankie,

I’m sure you are occupied and getting a ton of emails everyday, but I’m extremely grateful for your insights and I don’t know where else to seek support.

I would like to give you a more elaborate picture of what’s happening in my life.

My girlfriend told me that when she makes up her mind, she never come backs to a person.

She said she’ll text me if she decides to come back…

But the guy she’s talking to is very important to her.

While they have known each other for only 3 months… she told me he does everything.

The frequency levels between both of them are spot on and it’s scary.

She says it’s scary because according to her, he does everything that I did but only better. She said he’s everything she ever wanted in a guy.

  • He does her assignments for her and behaves in an extremely chivalrous manner.
  • She wakes him up everyday at 9am and goes to bed speaking to him until 5am in the morning.
  • They play games on Snapchat together.

While she says she’s not interested in a relationship with him… all her actions indicate that she will end up in a relationship with him.

Since he’s younger than her, she says she doesn’t want a relationship with him but everything he does matters and he matters so much to her that she’s not willing to take me back because then she would have to give up on him.

He matters so much to her that she cried when I asked her to stop talking to him.

My problem is that I get paranoid all the time and I could never stay away from her and give her time.

The most I’ve ever gone no contact is 6 days.

Also she has this very weird rule that she can only talk to one guy on a daily basis and she’ll never break that rule no matter what.

I used to be that guy for the last four years and in one fell swoop it changed.

She used to tell me that I was the best guy she’s ever met up until she met this guy and after getting to know him she grew very fond of him.

I badgered her with too many questions and spoke to her friends to find out if she has feelings for me and she got very irritated and to a point where she said she resented me but then my mother spoke to her and consoled her.

She tells me that she’s so confused and doesn’t know if she loves me at all because I overdid things.

And right now she says with certainty that she’ll never have feelings for me even though we shared a very strong bond.

I traveled two thousand kilometers from my university to meet her and show her that I cared and then later met her once more and gave her and apology letter and chocolates but she just rejected it all and told me that she does not like being chased!

Now she thinks I am putting too much emotional pressure on her to get back to me.

I just really love her and she’s my first and I didn’t know she was losing interest in me. Had she told me I would have done something about it. She didn’t give me any signs until one day she came and asked me for space… and I snapped because she was also talking to the new guy.

I know that in your articles you say to follow no contact but in my case how long should I do that would it work in my case?


>>>My Comments

Hey Chris,

Things are better for you than you realize,

In fact, there are 3 signs of good news for you, that I noticed while reading your email.

But first, you should know that, while you have a good chance to fix this, your opportunity will come to fruition ONLY if you follow directions and behave the right way.

You will win with no contact, and taking the pressure off of her.

6 days was the longest you’ve ever been out of contact? That’s nothing. Try 2 weeks at least. (No contact until she initiates).

If you keep reaching out because you feel you have to compete with this guy, you will keep pressuring her and then you will NEVER get her back.

The problem right now isn’t that you aren’t showing her that you care about her enough, or that you aren’t sweet or romantic.

You’re already doing this, but it’s NOT working.

The problem is that you are putting too much pressure on her and crowding her space.

This annoys her and she senses you are “weak”…

Because women are attracted to men with a strong emotional core — men who stay calm and don’t freak out when a girl stops giving them attention.

Make a shift in your behavior, and you will greatly improve your chances of winning her back.

Especially due to the following 3 reasons to be optimistic…

3 Reasons You Can Win Her Back From Another Man

1. He Won’t Last

You write

“He does her assignments and behaves in an extremely chivalrous manner, she wakes him up everyday at 9am and goes to bed speaking to him at 5am in the morning, they play games on snapchat and she told me she’s not interested in relationship anymore but all her actions indicate that she will end up in a relationship with him”.

Dude I can already tell he won’t last.

He is making nice guy mistakes and is always trying to please her. He’s doing way too much for her.

The only thing you have to worry about is if he discovers my website and changes his behavior.

Let me know in the future how that works out for him.


2. Attraction and Emotions Aren’t “Set in Stone”

Everything comes down to what happens in her EMOTIONAL brain…

So whenever she says something, it only applies to THAT MOMENT.

You two had a strong bond in the past? Doesn’t matter…

Because those feelings and all the “I love you”s she said only applied to that time in the past.

Her feelings for you… whether good or bad, aren’t “fixed”… they aren’t “set in stone”… that love faded.

Sounds sad, yes… but the good news is that how she feels in the moment right now doesn’t have to apply to the future either!

How she feels for this guy in the moment, also doesn’t have to apply to the future.

Even if she is completely certain that she won’t change her mind, that STILL only applies to this moment.

That’s why you should take what she says with a grain of salt.

And think of it this way: If she starts feeling attraction for you in the future… she isn’t going to look back at her words and try to stick with them.

Her feelings would change, and so would her decision.


3. Women Are More Attracted to Men Whose Feelings Are Unclear

I can tell she still has some attraction for you.

Maybe it’s a little bit, but it’s something.

While she’s tipped over to the other guy right now, if you were to create space, you can tip the scale back to you.

Letting her go right now is the way to do it.

Female nature doesn’t want her space crowded. The other guy is probably making the mistake of always doing stuff for her.

If you remove your attention and validation, focus only on yourself, and move on with your life, she would notice you have walked away completely…

…and that attention she’s no longer getting from you will make a serious IMPACT.

Your feelings for her will no longer be clear.

She will no longer think you are “a sure thing”.

She will notice your absence and wonder what you’re up to.

And look, if you’ve never spent more than 6 days of no contact  with her, it will be impossible for her to not notice you are gone.

At the same time… the the other guy will try to be the sweet chivalrous white knight and he will do too many favors for her…

…and she’s going to get sick of it after a while.

It will overwhelm her… it’s inevitable.

At this point in time, she might text you out of the blue, and you will notice her acting more eager to talk to you. It’s going to be weird!

This could happen at around the 3rd week of no contact, but you have to focus on yourself, ignore urges to text her, value yourself, and walk away from someone who doesn’t value you.

Ironically, this is when she will value you MORE because you aren’t so available anymore and you respect yourself.

Right now you probably feel that she will just forget about you if you go “no contact”, but that’s only your irrational feelings talking.

Try the 100% no contact and let me know how things work out.

Bottom Line of How to Win Back Your Ex Girlfriend From Another Man

Her “female nature” will react to two things:

1. Crowding her space makes her fade away more and
2. She will be attracted to the guy whose feelings are more “unclear” and the guy who gives her space

And if you want to re-attract your girlfriend back to you (and I’m
guessing you do, or you wouldn’t be reading this)… then you should watch this video here:

Free Video: How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

It reveals a simple series of steps you can take… starting right now… 
to “re-attract” your ex girlfriend and change the way she feels about you.

==> watch it here

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