How to Make a Move on a Woman – a Powerful Strategy to Escape the Friend Zone With Your Crush

It’s time to make your big move…

But you feel the uncertainty of how she’ll react.

You feel the risk that you’ll get rejected, that she will deny you…

How to Make a Move on a Woman?

Should you confess your feelings?

Should you kiss her?

Should you do nothing?

When I was younger, I would develop these intense crushes on girls from my social circle. It would happen to me ALL THE TIME.

When one of these sweet, kind girls became my friend and gave me attention, I would start liking her… and then become so infatuated that I would spend several months obsessing over her…

…Over-analyzing my text conversations with her… going through all our texts and hunting for signs she liked me… It was a roller-coaster ride of emotions!

If this is you, then you know what I’m talking about.

This is what we call having “oneitis”… Oneitis is when you repeatedly obsess over THAT ONE GIRL… and you just can’t get her out of your mind.

This oneitis tension would build up inside of me for several months… until I couldn’t take it anymore.


Meaning… I had to tell her how I felt.

This is the “grand declaration” where you reveal your feelings for a girl.

Because you want some relief from that pressure you’re feeling.

You want to stop being uncertain about whether she likes you or not…

…So you say “the hell with it, let’s do it” and you go for “The Big Move”.

However, confessing my feelings to a girl only got me the dreaded “let’s just be friends” speech.

Although the tension in my mind was resolved, I only ended up getting hurt and rejected. I never got the girl this way.

Why Oneitis Crushes Are Dangerous

The problem with having a crush on “that one girl” is that you’re operating from a DEEP “Scarcity Mindset.”

Maybe you wanted to make a move on her at the beginning when you started talking to her… but you hesitated, kept talking to her as a nice friend, and now you’re in her “Friend Zone”.

That’s why if you don’t interact “man-to-woman” with a girl from the very START… you will get friend zoned. (How to break the friend zone)

Of course, man-to-woman communication is risky, it takes a certain degree of confidence to do it. That’s why most guys resort to acting like the girl’s friend hoping to “sneak in” and make her like them later.

But here’s the thing: Getting rejected by a girl you just met isn’t as bad as getting rejected by a girl you’ve been obsessing over in your mind for several months.

Why? Because when you start to heavily invested in a girl, you become massively NEEDY.

And when you’re needy, all the fear and neediness manifests in the way you carry yourself, the woman senses this, and soon becomes extremely turned off by it. She becomes ANNOYED by you.

But let’s face the facts: You didn’t communicate man-to-woman from the beginning, you didn’t make your move when it was still early, and now you’re in the friend zone with this girl.

Meaning: Now you have to make a move to escape the friend zone, because it’s better than nothing.

Why Revealing Your Feelings to Her is Not the Way to Go

The problem with giving her the confession of your feelings is that it demonstrates that you’re very “serious” about this going well. You REALLY want it to work.

She’s going to think you want to be her boyfriend, and that kills attraction
when you do it too soon.

Instead, Display a “LOVER” Attitude

Have a lover mentality. Keep it light. Have the mindset that this is nothing serious and all in good fun.

Because here’s a secret most men don’t know: Early on, you don’t want a girl to think you’re trying to get into a serious relationship with her. Instead, it’s better that she thinks you’re only interested in “fun”.

Here’s how to execute this: Create an opportunity where you’re alone with her so you can go for the kiss.

If you try to kiss her and she backs away, just be like “oh I was just in a good mood”. Act like it’s not a big deal, keep the fun going, and try again later.

That’s how to make a move on a woman.

You have to do it like this because if she thinks you want to be her boyfriend… she will lose attraction.

See, women don’t want to risk hurting you. If she thinks rejecting you won’t affect you, it’s fine, but if she thinks rejecting you later will really hurt you, she will feel bad and won’t get physical with you in the first place.

How to Get Her to Chase You

Think of it this way: While it’s OK when a woman knows you want to sleep with her… you wanting to be her boyfriend is something that she gets to earn over time.

Why? Because behaviors that create attraction are behaviors you’d do if you had lots of options of women to choose from.

Learn more about the psychology of getting a woman to chase you here.

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