She Lost Interest, How to Get it Back (Break the “Secret” Pattern)

An amazing girl you like doesn’t feel the same way about you… and it’s driving you crazy.

You’ve lost your appetite and she is all you can think about.

You worry you’ll never be able to have her…

And worse, you feel she’s spending time with some other guy.

She lost interest, and now you’re wondering how to get her back.

So your brain starts spinning… and you start plotting ways to make her like you.

You start searching online.

And now, you are here reading this.

In this article, I’ll reveal:

  • The EXACT reason a woman only thinks of you ONLY as a friend
  • The key to FLIPPING her attraction for you from “uninterested” to OBSESSED with you
  • Plus I’ll reveal 1 thing about the way a woman’s romantic mind works, that no one has ever told you before

So pay close attention.

But first things first…

Here is the harsh truth:

When a girl doesn’t feel that “SPARK” of attraction for you, it’s because she sees you as “lower-status” than her.

This is the “image” she has of you in her mind.

Moreover, when she puts you in her “friend zone”… it’s because she doesn’t think of you as someone she can be more than friends with.

You have to change this.


By doing behaviors that plant seeds of IDEAS in her mind so that she starts thinking of you as a potential LOVER — someone she can see herself getting romantic or sexual with.

You have to break the image she has of you… by disrupting that image with things that make her think: “This guy is not who I thought he was”…

And when you do the specific behaviors that make her have this thought… that’s when your value in her eyes increases.

Related: How to Win Back a Girl Who Has Lost Interest

Next, you’ll want to know about the “secret pattern” that builds up this “image”…

The Secret Pattern of Interaction

The KEY to changing the image she has of you, and to start triggering attraction in a “hard to get” girl starts with understanding the “Pattern of Interaction” you have with her.

You see, a pattern of interaction develops with any woman you regularly come into contact with.

This woman can be…

  • A girl in your social circle…
  • A girl in your class or workplace…
  • A girl who went to high school or college with, and remain in contact (even through social media)…
  • A girl you think you messed up with in the past…
  • An ex girlfriend who got away…

Now the crazy thing about this pattern of interaction, is that it has “hidden rules”.

The Hidden Rules That Govern the Pattern of Interaction

You may not realize this… but there are “unwritten rules” that govern the interaction  between you and the girl you want to re-attract.

These rules can be…

  • You never flirt…
  • You constantly chase her validation…
  • You treat her as more important than you…
  • You don’t bring up “sexual” topics to avoid offending her…
  • You never make a move on her, to “respect her” (but really because you’re afraid of rejection)…

Whatever the rules are, they form the pattern of interaction.

As soon as you meet a girl, the rules are almost always “set” from the beginning. They are so hard to break because you automatically do them without thinking.

That’s why it can be hard for men to break out of the friend zone!

Think about the pattern of interaction you have with that girl you’re thinking of right now. You know… that girl who lost interest in you, but who you want to re-attract back.

Can you think of the rules that govern that pattern between you and her?

If you can, then here’s the bottom line: In order to make her think of you differently, you MUST break those rules.

How do you do it?

There’s an intriguing little “mind game” called “The Scrambler” that, when you use it on a girl,  it SHIFTS this “pattern of interaction” and makes her strongly attracted to you…

Learn about it in this video.

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