“I Told Her I Liked Her and Things Got Weird”

Whenever you get an intense crush on a girl you really really like, it builds up inside of you over a period of several weeks or even several months…
until you can’t take it anymore and you decide to reveal your feelings for her.

Whenever I get emails from students saying “I told her I liked her, and things got weird” the reason a girl goes distant is the same.

Things get “awkward” for her because she knows you like her too much.

What should you do instead when you really like a girl?

Read on…


Hello, I told a girl I like her… and she said I made things weird … although she says she likes me too but I made things weird. I feel i told her “I like her” too early.

If we end up dating, this would be her first relationship. I’m really confused on the next step to take and I really like this girl… what do I do?

Also, her birthday is in a month… should I buy her a gift?

>>>My Reply

Telling a girl you “like her” or making any type of move to reveal your feelings is a BIG mistake!

It makes things “weird” for a woman. (Even if she likes you too.)

The reason is that she feels you like her way more than she likes you, so she experiences some attraction loss. She thinks “oh man, he likes me too much”… and she pulls back to avoid hurting your feelings.

So I suggest creating some space.

Under no circumstances should you attempt to chase her attention back. Chasing will make things worse. Wait for her to come to you.

Then when her birthday comes, I suggest NOT buying her a gift.

See, “buying gifts” isn’t a path to creating attraction. Neither is making a move to reveal your feelings.

That’s why “buying a gift” and “revealing your feelings” are mistakes #1 and #2 in this 3 “Nice Guy” Mistakes article: 


Instead of making those types of “moves”, invite her to hang out and create opportunities for “getting physical” to happen.

The move you should make is attempting to get her alone and going for the kiss.

But before you do that, you should wait for her to come to you.

Because right now she feels weird and needs space to regain her feelings for you.

Then when she reaches out, invite her to hang out and follow the process detailed above.